Truthy and Falsy Values
Truthy and falsy (sometimes written falsey) values
In JavaScript, a truthy
value is a value that is considered true when encountered in a Boolean context. All values are truthy
unless they are defined as falsy
. That is, all values are truthy
except false, 0, -0, 0n, "", null, undefined, and NaN.
JavaScript uses type coercion in Boolean contexts.
The following table provides a list of JavaScript falsy
Value | Description |
false | The keyword false. |
0 , 0.0 , 0x0 | The Number zero. |
-0 , -0.0 , -0x0 | The Number negative zero. |
0n , 0x0n | The BigInt zero. |
"" , '' , `` | Empty string value. |
null | null — the primitive value. |
undefined | undefined — the primitive value. |
NaN | NaN — not a number. |
Examples of falsy
values in JavaScript (which will be coerced to true in boolean contexts, and thus execute the if block):
if (false) { // Not reachable } if (null) { // Not reachable } if (undefined) { // Not reachable } if (0) { // Not reachable } if (-0) { // Not reachable } if (0n) { // Not reachable } if (NaN) { // Not reachable } if ("") { // Not reachable }
Examples of falsy
values in JavaScript (which will be coerced to true in boolean contexts, and thus execute the while block):
while (false) { // Not reachable } while (null) { // Not reachable } while (undefined) { // Not reachable } while (0) { // Not reachable } while (-0) { // Not reachable } while (0n) { // Not reachable } while (NaN) { // Not reachable } while ("") { // Not reachable }