Improve productivity and efficiency

I don’t know why but a lot of sites don’t let you modify the cheat sheet for example hide known or unused data.

Modify emmet-cheatsheet for your needs

Modify your own emmet-cheatsheet! hide unused data or if you already know them.

All changes save on your Local Storage.

Emmet can be helpful with html, css, sass, react writing JSX and it using it can improve your productivity.

It’s the same emmet-cheatsheet! but with less distractive information.

Emmet-cheatsheet in idle stage

All you need:

  1. Click button edit - left top corner on page;
  2. Customize for your needs;
  3. Click button save - left top corner on page to save changes
Emmet-cheatsheet in edit stage

What’s next?

I took it as is form the original site, I’ll drastically reduce size, currently it almost 2MB